Thanks for the comments Guyz!!!
Today I picked up the needed sheet metal to complete the buckets… I also upgraded to a larger Argon/CO2 bottle...

Once I welded up the buckets, I also welded up one of the inner fender patches I had previously tacked together… I had some rather large gaps on the passenger side inner fender patch, which prompted my call to Bomp… Using his advice I now find myself in the weld, grind, repeat process on said patch...

I must admit though, in my haste to get the taillight buckets welded, I forgot one of his bits of advice… to put a bit of practice time in before beginning the actual welding...

Although the buckets will never be seen… I've got some serious grinding to do on my birds*&t welds...

There are still a couple of areas on the inner fender patch that needs attention… the weather started turning cold with the sunset, so it was in for dinner and some warmth...

Here are some pics of today's progress…