Re: PO has me PO'd
Mornings progress: had some time to work on the fuel pump extension rods, i need roughly 13 1/2" from mounting flange on pump to the bottom of fuel tank. I used some 3/8" hard copper to get the height, spacer is between the lower part of the pump and spring
I like to use a old fitting in vise, so as not to damage a fitting im using. Make sure to leave enough tubing to swing your mini cutter around past the siphon tube
Now, i just have to extend the pump harness
20140114_125452 by james_jaros, on Flickr
20140114_131333 by james_jaros, on Flickr
Semper Fi...Uncle Sam, you da man
All parts offered to help are free, unless otherwise noted
Dont try this stuff in my build thread, unless you have 55 years of mechanical OTJ training
AS usual, off topic
They say your mind goes second, can't remember the first
Last edited by jaros44sr; 01-14-2014 at 02:20 PM.