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Old 01-16-2014, 11:32 AM   #3
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Re: 54 Chevy in Peoria IL

Thanks for the compliment, but it's not as clean as it first appears. The truck was "restored" sometime in the early 90's, then it sat out in a barn for years.

I use the term restore lightly, The metalwork consisted of lots and lots of filler. The paint looks like it was done in a dirt floored barn. From 20 feet away the truck does look good.

My parts truck actually has a marginally better cab, with the exception of the interior. I've even thought about swapping the cabs, but both would require an equal amount work. The biggest problem with my truck is actually the cowel panel area. Which is the same problem 90% of them have. At least there is replacement parts out there.

I bought the parts truck for the front fenders and grill. For $800, I didn't think I could go wrong. Ther rest of it, I'll sell or god forbid, send to the chipper. I at least have good titles for both, so my options are open.
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