Thread: Wiring
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Old 12-21-2003, 10:43 PM   #4
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Big wire goes on the big terminal(ha ha). Coil wire goes on the "r" terminal, I think it is yellow. Wire from the body plug< from inside the cab, goes to the"s" terminal, I think it is purple. If you have Hei, do away with the coil wire, and replace the resistor wire from in the cab with a non resistor wire to supply a full 12 volts to the dizzy.
Andy,Phx AZ
'67 C-10 (Ahhh, done at last. Well there is that disk front end I want to put in and...)
"23 C-Cab-sold
'48 Ford 8N tractor(still working)
'67 Scout(Now on the road)
'70 MG B.-sold
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