Re: New old guy.
I needed Melling 55-S1 screen not 55-S2. Screen is flat w 1/4in clearance to bottom of pan. We got this far today. Water pump, power steering etc and pullies wiil be another major (for me) undertaking in next few days. Help and comments from people on this site have made it possible. Took[IMG]  [/IMG] more than a few ph calls, posts and private messages to get me this far. Thanks again Had to bring welding leads in MH to re inforce straining engine stand. Pictures will follow in some order, still learning photobuchet thing.
OLD SCHOOL LOW: 78 Short Wide Heavy Half-Ratty Rod at moment. Old 4blt stroked to 383
Vortecs, Weiand, Scat, Hedman 1 5/8, Howards Roller, .495/500, Scorpion.
Leaf flip, cut coils. Make do tires and wheels for now. Slip ahead a year? Sold GMC, bought Harley, got all obsessed doing the biker thing, now starting again w 65 SWB, 283,2bbl, 3 on tree.