Originally Posted by Dan Wales
Settin up a rear end even with all new parts looks and sounds real easy, when you see someone do it with the right tools and experience.
I recal way back 66'ish I did one in my friends 64 Impala hardtop ( and I have only done a few since I have avoided the hassle and smell ).
Our first trip back down Speedway Blvd in Tucson AZ, every dog in town was howling.
Question was were we going to make it back to base before it seized. LOL
Boy did I ever get some first hand butt kickin quick.
There are 9 moving parts in a rear end. A pinion gear, pinion bearing, two carrier bearings, two axles, and ring gear bolted to the center carrier. Set pinion depth, set backlash. That's it. Guess it's hard if you can't read the overhaul manual and you can't use a dial indicator.