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Old 01-19-2014, 01:15 AM   #1
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'60 GMC master cylinder rebuild

Today I rebuilt the stock master cylinder on my 60 p'up (brake & clutch). No pics, sorry. But, wanted to post the fact seein as there's so many opinions to just buy a new one.

I didn't buy a new m/c due to cost - roughly $65-70. Plus, I'm planning a drum/drum power booster upgrade which will replace the stock m/c soon enough. Also the fluid leak (inside the cab in my case) recently became severe enough as to require action. Want to drive the thang while I get my stuff together for the upgrade.

FWIW, I bought the rebuild kit I could most afford - LLC part# 34-3050 - $12.95 each. I bought two, one for brake and one for clutch (same part for each). Didn't know what to expect because well, you get what you pay for, and the LLC catalog image was for a later model year. I was happy to find the kits to be complete and decent enough materials.

After the install I bled the system and the feel of the brakes has improved a tad and the feel of the clutch is where it was. In all, a little gain (and at least no loss).

So far it was $26 well spent. It took me and a buddy 2-3 hours total, including the system bleed and the typical domestic interruptions.
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