Re: MORE lsx wiring questions
I wont say your in trouble, its just that the directions they send with those boxes doesn't work for my tradition of wiring. they wire the boxes differently. I even called CP for some insight and he blew me off like I was wrong for wiring my relays this way. for instance, when I wire a relay it goes as such:
30- fused Battery power
85- goes to ground (-)
86- signal (fuel pump) (+)
87- to device (power the acc.
the signal (86) can be positive or negative. this is the case when using a lsx pcm. for example, lsx pcm sends a positive signal for the fuel pump but sends a negative signal for the electric fans. so that means that 85 and 86 will require some changes. if the signal (86) is (+) positive then (85) will be negative (-). if the signal is negative, then 85 should be positive. if you pull that box apart you see that its not wired that way. but again, who am I? I rewired the boxes to fit my tradition and they work every time. I cant get my engine to start when I follow their directions. and for my application, I don't use the starter relay. im gonna use that relay for my air bags.