Originally Posted by Gus350
I have a set of the PB 3 inch drop TArms the u bolts had two nuts (one locking nut) and a washer on them how do you get both nuts on the u bolt. and what type of wrench are you using to tithen up the nut a standard 1 1/16 will not fit without grinding down. PB must be off today for the Holiday
Any suggestions would to get this buttoned up today.
We are here and working... Just a long line of people to call back and email. If you left a voicemail and or a message we will return your call in the order in which it was received!
The plain steel nuts are just for mock-up and will not be used for final assembly. We use a 1 1/16 wrench to tighten them up.
You may want to mock it up with the plain steel nuts, as it might be necessary to trim some of the u-bolt so you have enough room to use the box end of the wrench and slide it out afterwards.
We modified one a little to work more easily. Took a grinder to the open end so it fit in better and gave us more range of motion.