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Old 01-20-2014, 07:33 PM   #1
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Cab interior lights

In the process of repairing the dash lighting I realized why my interior cab lighting didn't work. This is pretty easy to diagnose and clean up, maybe this will help someone.
  • The under dash light was blown (Pretty important to have a functioning bulb)
  • Both of the door jamb switches were rusted solid (the button wouldn't push in or out)
  • The top shell light bulbs and connectors were so rusty they weren't making a connection
  • There was a wire split in the power wire for all the interior lighting (the orange wire)
  1. Reconnect the orange wire
  2. Get new bulbs
  3. Cleaned up the top shell interior lighting connection with a dremel and wire brush
  4. Repainted the light housing
  5. Pulled the old door jamb switches
  6. Replaced with these Door Jamb Switch I've not received these yet but will update once I install them

Blown light bulb under dash.

Door Jamb Switch rusted out. Both doors were like this. The switch just screws into the door jamb. One major warning, do not pull the wire out through the top. It's a major pain in the ass to get fished back through. It took several minutes and a lot of prayer.

Top Shell light housing with new bulb.

Taping up.

Nice and silver

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