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Old 01-21-2014, 03:47 AM   #7
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Location: Henderson Nevada
Posts: 76
Re: 235ci Removing Bell Housing & Clutch

yes you have to remove the clutch so you can remove the flywheel to get to the 4 hidden bolts. On the clutch housing the two easy bolts are on the outside towards the top. The other four are hidden on the inside behind the flywheel. If your motor spins, you are in good shape because you can rotate the flywheel to remove the bolts on flywheel to get access to clutch housing. However if it was like mine with the motor stuck. I had to remove the oil pan, harmonic balancer, gear cover, remove lifters, cam shaft, front motor plate, remove main caps, rod caps, rod bolts and oil pump. I rolled the crank from the bottom end on the block with the flywheel attached, once I did that I was able to get to the 4 inside bolts on the clutch housing. Glad I did it I almost made 235 a boat anchor. It was well worth the headache.

Last edited by tinyjaime; 01-21-2014 at 03:49 AM. Reason: forget pic
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