Thread: Rescued 72'
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Old 01-21-2014, 03:55 AM   #1
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Rescued 72'

was at a metal scrap yard near me unloading a truck of aluminum, noticed a big trailer on the scales with what I thought was 67-72 c10 swb beds. Went back after I unloaded and they had already unloaded as well and sure enough they were swb beds that were pretty damn nice too! I told them that the beds were worth more money than scrapping they told me they were working for there boss cleaning up his large property, so i ask if they had any more parts they were scrapping. They said there was a blazer out there unknown Late 60s early 70s. I showed up out there and there were more c10 parts including lots more short beds fleet and step all pretty rough but some I wouldnt scrap. But I was there for the blazer. I talked to them about the blazer ,negotiated a price for a little more than scrap
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