Thread: Front disc's
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Old 01-23-2014, 01:08 PM   #14
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Re: Front disc's

Originally Posted by tony58 View Post
Slotted and drilled rotors will be the same as you have now just slotted and drilled. If someone sold you rotors with a larger hub then they sold you the wrong rotors.
I don't think this is correct.
I have seen several rotors that were different sizes right at the end of the rotor hub.
I think it has to do with the differences in spec of overseas manufacturing.
(low priced chinese junk)
I guess they think it doesn't matter how much meat they put into the rotor hub,... but it does with these specific wheels.
I usually try to buy the higher end rotors. (American made if possible)
OEM GM rotors seem to be the best, but they are long gone.

No matter which rotor you buy,... there will be grinding involved on the rotor hub to fit the Boss 338 wheels,... unless you have the light duty 81-87 rotors, spindles and calipers on your truck.

Convert to disc brakes.
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