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Old 01-25-2014, 01:46 PM   #7
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Re: 1st Drive Alternator issues possibly??

Wire gauge could be a factor also.

If your running a 60 amp alternator 10 gauge would be about as small as you would want to go.

But if your going to run an 85 amp 8 gauge would be the ticket.

Now running electric fans, heater and lights you would want at least 105 amp alternator with 4 gauge wire.

Add fuel injection and A/C 145 amp alternator with at the very least 4 gauge wire.

If you have a large enough alternator and wire on your truck to handle your alternators output and the system is sized for your load then its possible a phase of the alternator is out.

Have the alternator tested off the vehicle.

Looking at your alternator its most likely only good for 60 Amps max.
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Last edited by G&R's57GMC; 01-25-2014 at 01:52 PM.
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