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Old 01-25-2014, 07:27 PM   #1
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New project for a customer

Our shop was just contracted to build an "automotive" sales counter. Now with us being a pickup restoration shop, what better to use than what we have. So after digging thru the scrap, I found two front fenders with horrible rear rust, a hood that had folded at the hinges and a few other miscellaneous pieces. Put them together, did some trimming and came up with this design. There will be a counter top across the top of the fenders. we'll put some black out panels vertically behind the wheel openings and close off the back of the grille opening. Adding low wattage LED lighting in new park lamps and headlamps. Installing a new chrome grille and front bumper with bumper guards and painting it bright read and correct grille surround white/black. Will add more pics as we proceed. Just started this on Wednesday, the 22nd, mocked up, then sent out to media blast yesterday. Picked up today and started rust repair/bodywork. Monday I'll build the framework/stand. Should be in paint by end of the week.
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