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Old 01-26-2014, 05:58 PM   #72
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Stratford, Ontario
Posts: 97
Re: '52 Rot-box Turned Tire Roaster.

We got the uppers made up Friday night which showed us a major design flaw with where we initiatlly wanted to put the bags. At full lift the upper bars would likely hit the upper bag plates, so we had to get crafty. The bags are going to be offset just slightly from the center of the link bars, which will get a tonne of lift in the rear end. The shocks will be off the lower bars and bolted to a spot on the notch. We will be bending some tube and making a jungle gym of tubing to support the upper bag cup.

In the pictures below you can see the shock hanging roughly where I'd like it to wind up - it is held up and mostly compressed with welding wire and a tall can of Coors. The bag will likely end up basically where it is sitting. I would like to run them upside down so you don't see the fittings but I need to make sure there is enough room for safely running a plastic fitting without smashing the thing off.

I'm heading out to the shop shortly, hopefully have some more to show you guys tonight.
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