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Old 01-27-2014, 01:04 AM   #3
RAT1968 '68 Cab/'71 Parts
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Re: Help with charcoal canister removal...Pretend I'm stupid...

Originally Posted by hardwaycooke View Post responses yet, but it is late. I've been reading and sounds like I just cap off the 2 lines and no one seems to have a definite on the vapor line.
I have a '68 cab and '71 chassis. I took the vents and gas tank out of the '71 and refurbished them. I use a vented gas cap.

I simply pulled the canister and left one vent line open that's attached at the frame near the fuel pump (although I don't have my FP there). The other line that terminated there (for the canister),
I extended with fuel line up to the position shown so I could blow air into the tank.....

Don't know what gave me that brilliant idea...Except that I did that while I was figuring out my venting/gas flow situation...Thought I had a fuel delivery problem and had the tank "hot dipped",
blew out lines that weren't clogged, and finally put on an electric fuel pump.

Turns out it was an electrical problem..."Duuuuh". HEI module.

Anyway, I left the lines open. The top one is going to stay there (arrow). I only wrote that to tell you that is what *I* did. Possibly, you can simply disconnect the canister and just leave the lines down low.
I think I like that one high...just thinking that if there is any fume venting....and I smell none....that any fumes would be in the airflow up higher....But it probably is, "six of one and a half dozen of the other".

Also, I would suppose with a vented gas cap, you could just cap 'em off.
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Coarsegold, CA
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Last edited by magwakeenercew2jh; 01-27-2014 at 01:10 AM.
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