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Old 01-27-2014, 08:12 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Hudson, FL
Posts: 13
To bag or not to bag....

That is my question. Well I want to, its going to be my daily driver. id rather not cut the bed, so I don't plan on laying out. I want to run 20's of course and I plan on drop spindles and blocks in the rear. I wanted a static drop but I live on a dirt road and would like the ability to hover the holes. I wouldn't mind the bolt in baby notch that comes with all the kits because its contained under the bed still. I am keeping my inner fenders also but I can modify them a little. I know the control arms will hit rather quickly and I am not planning on laying frame. Just trying to get an idea if anyone has pictures of what the stance would be. I have already put the 73-87 suspension under the truck and I will order brackets accordingly. Ive bagged a couple other cars/trucks so I am somewhat familiar with the process. I really like the ride the bags give and of course the look. just want to see if its worth the money and time without cutting the truck apart.
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