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Old 01-29-2014, 01:05 PM   #4
Stalker Nate
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Langley, BC, Canada
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Re: s10 frame swap guys...get in here

Originally Posted by 55metalmonkey View Post
dubds10, having researched this on several occasions there is absolutly no regulations that state that you need to be a ticketed welder to weld on a vehicle frame (in BC or Canada) that I could find although the US may be different. The only thing I could find is that any alterations need to undergo a structural integrity inspection by a licenced and qualified facility preferably prior to the vehicle being assembled, then an alighnment (with paperwork) then a complete vehicle safety when the vehicle is fully assembled and road worthy.
It any structural work has to be done it requires a VI and I could have sworn frame work has to be done by a ticketed welder and up to standard engineering practices which is the term most used these days, but I haven't checked all the reg/codes in North America lately. Either way I don't endorse backyard welders doing hack jobs and driving down the highway. Seen lots of questionable welding in the car scene over the years. Hence why I say ticketed (experienced) as they at least have proper training and ability has been tested. Didn't say you have to be by law.
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Last edited by dubds10; 01-29-2014 at 01:33 PM.
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