Originally Posted by leftybass209
I am by no means knocking your idea of cleaning up the engine bay, but with all of the complaints about budget headers, you'd probably wind up spending a lot more time under the hood retightening the bolts on them or replacing due to cracking if the exhaust system isn't mounted correctly. Exhaust manifolds from an older truck would offer you trouble free operation and rid you of the smog pump. Also, what is your reason for two alternators, rather than one higher rated alternator?
The alternators will be for the stereo (over 7k watts total). The stock alt will run the truck normally, while the second mechman 270a alt will supply power to the batteries mounted in the rear. I'm a stereo guy originally, so that's my area.
Will stock manifolds from an older truck degrade any performance over the stock ones I currently have? How much, if any increase would I have by going with cheaper headers vs pre smog manifolds?