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Old 01-30-2014, 09:14 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Mechanicville NY (upstate)
Posts: 192
Old guy Getting back into the AD game again

Hi Everyone

I wasn't sure where to post an intro so I hope this is the right spot...I currently own a 1952/53 rusty bucket of bolts that used to be a Chevy truck. This is taken the day it got pushed out of the garage. I was given a Willys Jeep to rebuild so it sorta had to outside...currently it is under cover but looks just like it does here...My plan was to find an S10 and then a AD style cab and start a swap but it looks like I am about to purchase a 1 ton Chevy truck from a fellow in Indiana (it is just about complete and it kinda runs too)...I am in upstate I wont actually see it until early spring when the weather stops doing it's thing....I am hoping to learn a lot from you guys...I have been reading along on a couple of ongoing projects on guys really know your stuff....

My goal is to keep as much AD truck as I can...upgrade the brakes and the rear end too...on the new project that is..might have to scavenge some stuff off of this one to accomplish it tho...oh well..only time will tell...

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