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Old 01-31-2014, 12:17 AM   #10
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Re: Cool! Craigslist find.

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
Some time ago I found a web site on them, don't know if I saved it. But most were used for irrigation pump engines, fire trucks, and other similar non-highway uses. They make a bunch of torque but redline was like 2500 RPM which killed the interest for me. Google will turn up a bunch of info. The Thunder V12 site gives a good tutorial on what to look for and what it will cost to get one running ($25-30K).
Your right, they are a workhorse, not a hi-rpm engine. Factory specs. give 630# torque & 2400rpm.
I got interested in restoring them because they were used here for stationary irrigation pump engines, and I worked for the fellow who owned it. Found it in a neighbors shed, and restored it. It's in the '62 GMC 1 ton which I donated to a museum near here. Very durable and long lasting. This one ran 22yrs on a pump, burning natural gas with about 3 overhauls. No one remembers how many for sure.
I still have the '46 Chev pu in my avatar.
The were built from '60-66, same as the smaller V6s.
They are more of a novelty, yard art, or museum piece any more. Replacement parts are almost non-existant.
If you have one that runs, give it plenty of TLC. If it breaks, it may never run again.
I got these running from farmers junk piles, but they are almost all gone now, since iron prices has got so high.
Price? Who knows? It's a case of "beauty in the eye of the beholder"
Military used them in their Minute-men missile toters.
They are a unique built engine, and certainly a part of GMC history, tho.
Anyone interested, search out 6066(1960-1966) Truck club. They are the best and accurate source I've found.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to post a direct link on here.
PM me, and I'll be glad to share what I have on them, by e-mail.

My son has some short videos of these trucks and other V12s on Utube under Haystack155.
Okla. Panhandle

I think I'll do it myself and pay the extra $500.

Last edited by cayoterun; 02-04-2014 at 12:23 PM.
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