Frame cab mounts, xmembers, box mounts, spring hangers, etc
Here is a bunch of frame mounts and cross members that I cut off the last two 2wd trucks. These parts have been hot tanked and if wanted I will acid dip any of them at no cost. Must specify if wanted. Paypal no fees or MO. Plus shipping. Thanks, Tom
Pic 1 form a 70 chev/gmc C10 with leaf springs
front cross member 25.00
center cross member 40.00
cross member just forward of the rear end 40.00
cross member just behind rear end 25.00
spare tire support 12.50
very rear cross member 30.00
rear/rear spring mounts 25.00 each
front spring hangers 25.00 each
rear cab mounts 20.00 each
front cab mounts 20.00 each
core support mounts 10.00 each
box mounts total of 6 - 2 fronts, 2 centers, 2 rears 10.00 each
shock mount 15.00
sway bar mounts 8.00 each
Pic 2 from a 72 chev/GMC C20 with leaf springs
front cross member 25.00
center cross member 40.00
cross member just forward of rear end 40.00
spare tire support 12.50
rear cross member 30.00
rear/rear spring hangers 25.00 each
front spring hangers 25.00 each
rear cab mounts 20.00 each
front cab mounts 20.00 each
core support mounts 10.00 each
box mounts total of 6 10.00 each
shock mounts 15.00
sway bar mounts 8.00 each
e-brake cable mounts. 5.00 each
hyd brake line bracket 6.00
D60 bump stops 5.00 each