Originally Posted by tcastro0706
Well no offense to u. I spent $50 for some plastidip cans an have enough to do the whole truck. Daily driven truck. Washed a several times already. Still holding up. Even if I do go over it again another $50 for cans not a bad deal. I mean if you have the equipment to use a sprayer go for it. Or to pay somebody to do it go for it. I don't have a shop to do it in an don't have a air compressor to power a sprayer an don't have $500 to pay somebody to spray it for me. So cans work for me.
Thats about 6-7 cans....which just isn't enough to make a substantial layer of the stuff. The rubber dip spray builds a good few mils thick, which the aerosol does not. I used the rattle cans well before the gallons, and it just isn't the same.
The gallons spray using a tankless sprayer, which does not use a compressor...its a wagner painter basically, and you can use anything form the Harbor frieght cheapies or rental units if you don't want to spend the money for the actual "recommended" sprayer type.
We don't have a shop either.
As for the comment about it peeling off; well thats kinda the point...its not paint. A good coating of the stuff doesn't "just" peel off. You have to start an edge and peel. The thickness of it actually gives it some resiliency and light impacts and scratches don't break the surface.
We have an upcoming video on what DOES happen when it gets nicked, because it just happen to us. Its fairly easy to touchup, or worst case re-spray a small section.
Its cheaper than vinyl, and not permanent so using it on high end, leased, or promotional vehicles is safe.