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Old 01-31-2014, 10:58 PM   #8
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Re: Lift kits. Why such a big price difference?

I'd say its partially the contents but also the name (skyjacker)
I'd be careful of the rough country and def spend the extra $$$$$ for springs all around (you'll thank me later and so will your passengers)
I put a 4" on a 73 dodge I had and went with the cheap block kit, and the dang thing beat me to death, even over small bumps! (I guess hence the name ROUGH country)
It worked for the most part, and I was able to mount 36" tires on my truck (still rubbed a little at full lock and when flexed) just don't expect a semi comfy ride-ever, if you go the block route.

Btw that's NOT a "nasty old farm truck ", that's a rig with SERIOUS potential!
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