I wanted an SSR so bad when they came out, but never did get one. We repaired one at work a few years ago where I bought a clip from a wrecking yard up in Washington state. This wrecking yard has some deal with GM and gets their cars that were used in testing or something like that. Anyway, I was going to buy a front clip and the guy emails me a photo of one asking if I want that one. It was THIS truck! They were going to sell me the front clip off THIS truck.
But then I got another saying they changed their mind and this one wasn't for sale so they sent me another photo. This time it was a perfectly stock SSR sitting in a parking lot! We are talking ZERO damage, a perfect truck! I questioned if THIS was the front clip I would be getting and the guy said yes. I bought it, and a week later in came the delivery of a pallet with a perfect front end on it cut across the floor! Wild!