I have a habit of saving receipts.. I have had my 70 for 18 years.
I was seriously looking AT THE Ford Lightning, a couple of months ago.. I talked to the other half about the payments. She asked why I wanted another truck,?! My comment was it isn't just another truck. It is at this point in time, the epitome of Trucks. So she very calmly says, What's that in your garage?? Now I'm not a Dumb guy, I was understanding where she was going, I asked, what does that have to do with this????? Well, if you would stop and look at your receipts, you'd see there IS a new Ford Lightning sitting in your garage !! It just Appears to be a 1970 Chevy Pickup..
I have no Doubt,!!! In the last 18 years, I have put enough money in my old truck to buy that new Lightning... I quit looking at my receipts, when they said $23,000,00 Yea, I know, The Lightning is more then that,,,, But I said I quit looking at $23,000,00. My old truck, has NO PAINT, And there is a lot More that needs done, and there's more I want to do to it..
All I can say, This is labor of love !!! You have to be Crazy to build any old Vehicle from the ground up !! And when you're done it's still going to be an Old truck/Car..