Re: Questions RE future of hobby
My frame off restoration on my 72 Chevy truck is almost finished after almost 3 years and an original budget of $5000 .I think there will always be a hobby with cars and trucks ,it may just take longer to get them done as the cost is crazy. I was talking with the shop guys today and they were talking about how high materials had gotten and how some customers didnt believe him when he told them how much paint ,thinner, clear ,sand paper etc was .Im way over my original budget but I have added Vintage Air and a few other things not in the original plans but I will have a very nice truck. This shop is a regular bodyshop that does restorations when they are slow but their attention to detail is amazing . A lot of shops would love to do nothing but restorations but insurance work pays the bills and a lot of wait time on some parts does not help as well as making some parts fit.