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Old 02-02-2014, 12:13 AM   #23
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Re: Questions RE future of hobby

Originally Posted by BR3W CITY View Post
On the other note; even 75-8500$ for a paint job isn't the top end of the market anymore. Sema/Riddler type cars have well over 20k into paint, including painting goofy stuff like brackets you'll never see.
I heard from a very reliable source that Charley Hutton charged $125,000 to paint the '40 Ford that won the Ridler last year. I'm 100% serious.

The cost of materials have skyrocketed, and good paint costs lots of money. It's very easy to have $2,000 in materials alone for a very basic solid color paint job.

It's hard work, and it's takes a ton of labor and time to get a car straight. The high-end paint shops charge between $75 and $100 an hour, and that adds up quickly. Just remember, a good paint job isn't cheap, and a cheap paint isn't good.
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