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Old 02-02-2014, 12:40 AM   #25
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Re: Questions RE future of hobby

The truck college post got me thinking. It seems like years ago kids learned stuff like how to work with their hands from their fathers. This may have prepared them with the grade school (or more) skills needed to work on a car/truck/bike and somewhat intuitively know some things.

I learned by driving $100-250 cars and keeping them running, not by being taught, but there's more than one way. Needless to say that was a few years ago. EFI probably makes it a bit tougher now.

As far as vehicles being an investment goes, investments are usually hoped to gain value versus cost and labor. Vehicles rarely fit the mold unless you're in the business. Sadly, I seem to be in the business of making other's investments grow

There were simply so many of these trucks made that they aren't rare.
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