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Old 02-03-2014, 02:57 AM   #60
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Re: 1984 K20 6.2L suburban, project "Smokey the 'Burb"

Zack made cardboard templates to mock up the shackle flip brackets, I didn't realize until after I had them mostly welded up that I didn't take the steel thickness in to account and the brackets were too wide. Quickest and easiest solution I could come up with was to build some offset shackles. Worked out pretty well.

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Still a lot of little stuff to do:
Bolt down the bed
Rebuild the front shaft
Measure and have a rear shaft made
Hook up the exhaust
Flatten the front floor for the newer seats
Weld in the correct t-case shifter hole and fill in the old one
Sort out the wiring (plenty of hack and slash)
New hoses, coolant, oil, and filter
New diff oil
Put the interior together (dye all the plastics first)

Sorry for the crappy pics
I'll get better ones later
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