Re: Cool! Craigslist find.
A friend in Wis. built this truck. The motor was another irrigation pump engine from here. He has it geared up to run cruise speeds and low rpm. I don't know top top speed it would run @ 2,400rpm. He and his wife take it on extended cruises now and then.
It always draw lots of attention, and questions.
He did all the work himself, paint and all. IMO, great craftsmanship from top to bottom. He extended the hood from two or three other hoods, to keep the right contours.
He also has a retired low mileage, V12 single-axle firetruck/tractor. It's a tilt-cab, he restored.
He posts as Rap-em-Papy sometimes.
It's good to get one running, as they've all about gone with the dinasaurs.
Okla. Panhandle
I think I'll do it myself and pay the extra $500.