Thread: 84 with no heat
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Old 02-04-2014, 10:37 PM   #7
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Re: 84 with no heat

[QUOTE=Wellgeo03;6507314]When you said you replaced your heater core, I sure hope it wasn't with one of these. I put this in my non AC 86 last winter.

It did make some heat, but barley warm air and the air flow was terrible. It is a jobber parts store core. Aluminum with much finer fins then the original. The outer dimensions are basically the same, but the core itself is much smaller in all dimensions.

I finally repaired the leaky original and swapped it out.
I now have HOT heat. Jobber parts are JUNK, and this one wasn't even cheap. Around $90 for this POS up here in Canada.
What parts store did you get it from? I replaced the one in my crew last fall with a core from napa & it works great.Can't remember for sure,but I think it was copper & it was around 55.00. We had a spell of -40C stuff middle of Dec,I ran into town with it (7miles) and halfway there I was turning fan to low & temp to cold...was cooking me out!!
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