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Old 12-24-2003, 12:49 PM   #1
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Has anybody had this problem?

I'm installing an ECE front end rebuild kit on my 72 Chevy 1/2 2WD and have run into a problem with installing the lower A-arm shafts. First off, I'm having a hard time even getting the shafts into the position in the A-arm. It's almost as though one-side of the A-arm is bent. I'm tempted to use a bottle jack to seperate the two tabs on the A-frame where the shaft goes. I'm wondering if anyone has run into anything like this before.

Even if I where to get the shafts into the A-arms, I wouldn't be able to get the nuts started straight into the A-arms beacuse of the bent tab on the A-frame. I can get the nut started on the shaft straight, but when it starts to thread into the A-frame it gets all crossed up. Any advice or experience that you guys have would be greatly aprreciated.
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