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Old 02-06-2014, 03:08 PM   #2
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Re: Transmission question

just loosen the trans-to-crossmember mount bolts at the isolator so the trans is just resting on the crossmember - then gently jack up the tailshaft just enough to get to the last bolts and slide the pan out. Don't jack it up too much - and monitor fan-to-radiator clearance as you do so. Motor should rock fwd on the front mounts and the jack will hold the tail. Also monitor the slip yoke of the driveshaft, you should have several inches of travel for the d/s to slip out before you run into a problem, so the fan-radiator interface is probably most important. The furthest it can drop (off the jack) is back onto the crossmember, but watch your fingers. No telling what your truck should have come with without additional info. M49 on the SPID? Most of the automatic trucks came with TH350s. All 4x4s had TH350s I believe. TH400s more reserved for big block or special order on a small block.
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