Originally Posted by cory d
Correct. 1/2 inch. The 3/4 works but is too big and can catch/pinch weird. I tried that first and then went back and got the 1/2 and it works better without pinching. Also, Menards had it cheaper than Home Depot. I got a 3' section for under 3 bucks, plus I slid it into their bag sale for an extra 14% off.
Originally Posted by Wrecked1982
does it wear out fast?
Granted I've only had it on a few weeks, but there is no wear at all that I can see. The bushing rolls as it slides into the lock mechanism, so I'm guessing wear will be minimal. People have been doing this for years. Plus, I've still got 2'9" left after doing two trucks... I'm guessing I will run out of years before I run out of PEX tubing.