Re: Newb question on welding patch panel
I hate to rain on your flux core machine parade but I'll share my experience where I tried practicing on an old ass craftsman mig 110 with flux core I got from a friend for $50 and I could not get a good consistent tack that wouldn't go through on sheet metal and damn did it make a mess. I about gave up on the project lol. In my case I think it was the machine because it only has two rocker switches for adjustment which completely sucks. It says it's a mig machine but it must be 20 years old as I've never seen a welder without the adjustment knobs.
After all that I'm going to just go with a brand new mig welder with the tank. I have a feeling I will experience success going this route. I'll probably spend $700 by the time a get a tank and a hood but that's still a fraction of buying new ill fitting made in china fenders.