Originally Posted by cameyer
Here is my 64 k10 slowly building it up since I was 16 (2 years in the works now) just dropped in a 327 I did a small build on. Its basically all stock but painted it a dark blue and white over the light blue and white it was.
Verrrry nice lookin truck'
One of my favorite 60-66 color schemes...
When I was a little strapper....trying to grow up fast..... our family homesteading on a beautiful piece of Heaven tucked in with the Chugach Range steeply rising to 6K feet less than a mile out our front windows and 1/2 mile behind us....the Mighty Copper River bluffs falling 1000 feet to the roaring torent below...and 15 miles beyond that to the west, four of the Wrangell/St Elias Ranges' mountains...(Mt Drum, Mt Sanford, Mt Blackburn and Mt Wrangell) the shortest of the four still over 12K' in elevation..............
Huh....?....What thu fu ....
OK....got sidetracked.....
It was 1970 and we had a '66 Carry-All with that same paint...The perfect rig for the time and place.
Sorry 'bout loosing track and the run-on-and-on-and-on sentence.....But that's a great looking truck.