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Old 02-09-2014, 06:39 AM   #30
Don Quixote
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Re: gas tank location

The original question posed here is what is worthwhile.

For cost, get a cab tank. It was already there the last 40 years and nobody spontaneously combusted.

If you drive a lot like I do, throw a second tank in the bed or under it. It doesn't matter where you put it. It's gasoline.

Unfortunately you started an argument that began a long time ago and is still raging for literally no reason.
Rocinante: 1972 GMC C25, 292, SM465, 14 bolt, power nothing, 440k and still handles my PCS moves
Jorge: Kia Roller-skate with lots of buttons for the wife
Wovoka: 2017 Indian Chief Vintage, better on gas but not much

So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.
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