Originally Posted by jeffro2
I stop paying attention, and your back at it.. Its looking good, I see the building and redoing bug has bitten.. 
just that there's nothing out there that grabs me right now, nobody is making much of anything that interests me, except old kits, enjoy them.
aint doing it cause it's cheaper, over $50 for them axles & swamps & stuff!

might have to do like you, more scratch buildin'
i have been thinking about doing the Deora truck on 44's with an expedition type camper body on it.
anyways, only a few updates, been dicking around with new toy wife got me, Badger 155 airbrush. been redoing the shine on my models with it, lays clear very smooth!
the only model my wife ever built, in 1992, 22 yr old paint & this is how it came out

couldn't help myself, dragged 6 more in, only 89 more to go....

most of these paint jobs are between 10 & 15 yrs old btw