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Old 02-11-2014, 02:16 AM   #191
Vintage Windmills
Vintage 4x4s
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Prior Lake, MN
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Re: 1971 K20- project just get driveable!!

Patch for rusty spot on firewall:

Done and painted:

New heater resistor:

New gasket and mouse/leaf screen:

Back on:

All done. The blower motor I got is the 15 amp one and it really puts out the air!! Its the AC version but seems to work great here. Its a nice upgrade from stock. It has a hole in the side to hookup a tube to the motor for cooling it I assume, I need to think about that some more, any thoughts? I just put a yellow hyd line cap in there for now:

67 GMC K1500 Custom- 305V6 SM420, PTO, Ram Assist, yellow (the outcast) (project period correct upgrades)
67 GMC C2500 351V6 TH400, AC, PS, PB (can't decide what to do with. Update, decided to keep and will restore )
86 CHV K30 502 th400, apple red NEW
71 CHV K20 350 SM465, ochre (saved work truck)
71 CHV K20 292 SM465, white, tach, PTO, (future project)
72 CHV K20 350 350th, medium blue (project stocker)
01 CHV K2500hd crew, indigo blue

^3 dont run and the others don't see winter either
'86 K30 Cummins "Fireside" thread:
'71 K20 "get driveable" thread:
'72 K20 Build Thread:
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