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Old 02-11-2014, 11:20 PM   #9
Hand Crafted C-10
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Re: Customization

Originally Posted by old Rusty C10 View Post
I'm supposed to go look at it this weekend as he couldn't get together last weekend.
The fellow is kind of hesitant to sell it to me if I'm going to cut it up hes a real fire
department equipment enthusiast and hes kind upset to see it go and not be as he
left it and I have to kind of respect that as I know how I would feel if I sold my restored
c10 to a guy who was going to donk it or something. Amazingly my wife is cool with
me buying this truck
Personally, I'd buy it, finish the restoration and rock her the way she is.
But that's just me...kind of a softy in that way.

I understand the owner's hesitation considering it's rare heritage (and the
PO's wishes) though leaving it in a museum rather than getting a new,
unique lease on life and the renewed admiration it will gather is not a
bad thing either.

Maybe bring him a photo shop of your plans? As with anything, it's up to you
and the owner but you might win him over with your professionalism.
BTW---thanks for the link...still haven't finished cruising the site.
Very nice museum full of really beautiful rigs!
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