Originally Posted by bhammer
Thanks for the help on this. I had actually found that chart just wasn't sure what model number to use. But I see it says specifically which one is K10 Shortbed. I'm going to go with these number to straighten my frame. Most of the numbers match. One more question is where it shows the side view, are those measurements to the ground actually to the axle? Is the axle ground level on the chart? I am not sure where to measure to, the actually ground or the axle level. But the cross dimensions seem to be good. Thanks a lot for your help so far, you've been a big asset to me in this build.
Brian, the footnotes on the chart state this "all measurements are from bottom of frame to surface". So your wondering how to establish the "surface" since your frame is bare. I'm no expert but your Frame guy should be able to use this chart and establish a constant offset of any dimension and then use some simple math while referencing this chart to straighten your frame with these dimensions. The critical info he needs is provided here since the different points are all shown, he just needs to establish a baseline.... Make sense?
If I am confusing you more take this chart to him I'm guessing he will be happy with it.
Good luck and I am happy to help but you need to know that I don't measure up to most of these guys on here that can really help you out.
Hang in there and post some pics before and after your frame is fixed.