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Old 02-14-2014, 01:06 AM   #1
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How to remove a grille for 60-66 GMC?

Hey guys, last year in the very VERY back of an old salvage yard I found an early 60's GMC with a really nice grille still in it. The owner has agreed to sell it to me and I'm looking to get an idea on where all the mounting hardware is on these and how to remove it. It's about a 25 minute hike, through thick woods and overgrowth in the summer, from the farthest point you can drive a vehicle, so the less I have to carry the better!

Whenever the snow has melted and hopefully dried up a little I'm planning to head out there, early to mid March.

Just to give you an idea, this is how the main part of the yard is like. I started on the other side of the white van way in the back and climbed over all the cars to get where I was. And this is one of the easier places to get around!!

I don't have a pic of the truck or grill, didn't think about it at the time. Too busy swatting mosquitoes and pulling ticks I guess.
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