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Old 02-16-2014, 09:36 PM   #31
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Re: Whats the cause?

Originally Posted by brokestudent View Post
Was not trying to start a new thread, just that I got it running again and this noise pops into the picture. Kind of related kind of not I do not know....My issue is it does not always make this sound when it first starts up and is running it purrs beautifully. This is after like driving it for 30 minutes this starts. I can drive it around town all day but taking it out of town it does this. If it were the bearing (and correct me if I am wrong) but wouldn't it do it all the time?
Not sure what the poster is after. Three posts on the same truck in the same time frame with three concurrent problems that aren't mentioned in other posts. "Had oil changed"? So the truck has an oil light coming on, dies like it's running out of fuel and knocks after it's warmed up. The poster apparently doesn't change his own oil, uses too light an oil and doesn't understand that these three separate issues may very well, and probably are, related. My only advice given the available information....step away from the truck. Get someone who knows these engines to take a look.
I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time.
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