Originally Posted by sigshooter
About 2 years ago I bought a set of goodmark fenders, I decided to see how they fit today. I was told goodmark was good quality, but if these are good I hate to see bad.
They did not fit or line up around the header, and I had to do some grinding to even get them to slide into place at all.
I have a set of OEM off a 66 that need very little repair and I slid one of those in place and it fit like a glove. I will be repairing these OEM fenders and the aftermarkets are going on Craigslist.
I have heard nearly everyone complain about aftermarket and I have to agree with them
I will post pictures later today.
We had the same problem, had 2 bad fenders that were original, cut them in half and put them back together, they fit better than the new reproductions.
here is a link showing how we joined the 2 together:
just click on the thumbnails after this picture to see the results. This fender is the right front on my truck.......new body parts suck !!!! Kieth