Thread: Quadrajet woes.
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Old 02-18-2014, 11:11 AM   #1
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Quadrajet woes.

Need some help from the q-jet gurus. So here's the story, I scored a decent looking quadrajet from my brother-in-law the other day and finally got the chance to put it on. Predictably, the thing doesn't want to run right. For whatever reason, it wants to idle high. I've adjusted the idle screw all the way out w/o any luck. I'm suspecting a vacuum leak somewhere (I'm thinking idle mixture screws), but I'm not sure. Also made sure the fast idle screw wasn't interfering either. The reason I say it might be the mixture screws is because they feel loose when I have them adjusted to give me the most vacuum on the gauge. What am I missing? Put the Holley back on and it runs fine...
1970 Ochre & White C10
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