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Old 02-18-2014, 08:18 PM   #10
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Re: 14 bolt rear disc brakes with eldorado calipers

I moved the 82 Camaro calipers with the parking brake from the 12 bolt to a 9.5 14 bolt in my k10. I used my orig parking brake cable setup but I believe in my case I had to shorten the cable. To pass Texas inspection, the parking brake only had to hold it in drive at idle --mine was an automatic. To get this condition I depressed the brake pedal and then pulled the hand lever on my 67. I do not offroad but will agree with those above that it is hard to beat the parking/emergency brakes with rear drums.

The stock 67 parking brake connections will work on the Camaro disc which I think are near the same as the eldorado. The Camaro left and right are same with one being up and one down. I have the pressure adjustment on the rear line. Speedway catalog will show you the correct setup or call them.

You will have to consider spring travel also. I can supply some other detail pics if you still want a look.
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