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Old 12-26-2003, 05:22 PM   #12
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Originally posted by shimp
Tell me about it, I've got a cantilevered 2 link and I get bad driveline vibration at some positions (although my driveshaft is messed up too) and if I go around a corner really fast one of the back tires will come off the pavement and come back down and screech like an airplane wheel on the runway.

Gonna build an entirely new 4-link. I know other people however, that have 2-links with 0 problems.
I just don't like mine.
Tell me about it man! Thats what I am getting from my setup. I think I am going to scrap my 2 link and go with a 4 link. I only have about 30 bucks in my 2 likn anyways because
i built it my self and just used chackle ends for the joints. It doesn't squeek though.
I want my truck done!
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