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Old 02-18-2014, 11:00 PM   #13
RAT1968 '68 Cab/'71 Parts
magwakeenercew2jh's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Coarsegold, CA
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Re: Wiring Harness - Fire & Smoke

This is the page for the M & H harness I always crow about.

I think it's $409. I'm a moron and I wired both of my trucks from front to back with M & H harnesses.

In the case, as much as can be understood from those pictures, anyway, you'll need to change out the fuse block and under dash harness
(it's all inclusive in the $409) if you want to get any "sleep" while you are driving your truck.

Remember, something shorted out. No sense buying and installing the new harness unless you know what fu'd on you. Like engineer_g,
I think it was the wiring in the area of the rear interior light and the dimmer switch that go down by your left leg and under the door sill.
Someone hooked something there that bypassed a proper fusing....Happens. And melted hots don't go well with melted grounds.

It's really easy...Get the harness. Pull out the old crap. I'd buy a new dimmer switch. Look at the wiring diagram that Forum members
have made available....Then plug and play with the new harness.
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Coarsegold, CA
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